Friday, January 15, 2010

Lunch is Challenging

So today I decided that I was going to challenge myself to get a gluten-free lunch at school, which was not my brightest idea. I spent the first fifteen minutes of lunch looking for a cooler with salads in it, the hot lunch being homemade pizza. Once I found the cooler with salad in it, I spent ten minutes in line waiting to get and pay for my salad, but to my dismay, when I got to the cooler, the salads were all gone. By then lunch was over, and I ended up having a bag of doritos, possibly the most unhealthy gluten-free chips, and headed to my next class. My only solace was that there was only one more class, and then i could go home and get some food. A heads up to high school celiacs, don't rely on school lunch. It was frustrating that the school didn't have enough supply of salads. The salads were probably sitting in the cooler for days anyway. Thanks for reading! :)

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